Business cards can make a great first impression, either for a face to face meet or to leave as a call back method. Utilize your business card by not only adding contact information but also a list of your services.
Choose from a variety of styles:
16 pt Specialty Cards: Our 16 pt AQ business cards offer a semi-gloss finish that is not too matte and not too glossy, they are just right.
16 pt with soft touch lamination: These 16 pt business cards offer a soft touch lamination that is suede like to the touch.
32 pt Painted Edge Specialty Cards: Stand out with these extra thick painted edge business cards. Available in 7 edge colours including: black, red, blue, yellow, silver, gold and white.
Raised Metallic Foil Specialty Cards: Stand out with their silver or gold custom foil printing. Foil can not go to edge of card.
Spot UV Specialty Cards: Select either matte laminated or soft touch laminated business cards have a slightly raised clear gloss applied to areas of choice.
Shaped Specialty Cards: Stand out from regular business cards with these uniquely shaped cards. Available in oval, leaf and rounded corners.
Marketing Tip:
File Preparation:
Size: 3.5"x2"
Bleed: 0.125"
Resolution: 300 DPI
Color Mode: CMYK
File Formats: JPG, PDF, EPS
Bleed: Ink extending to edge of print.
NOTE: The file you provide will be printed without proofs.
Other stocks, finishes or quantities, are also available under the other business card sections.